Cave Des Ours Blanc de Pommes 2019

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Winery/Distillery Cave des Ours
Awards No
Acidity Medium
Alcohol Level High
Oak Yes
Maturity 5 years
Ageing Potential 8 years
Fruity Yes
$8.00 USD
Price per bottle

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Regular delivery Monday to Friday. Same or next day in greater Beirut. 2 to 3 working days in remote areas.

Winery/Distillery Cave des Ours
Awards No
Acidity Medium
Alcohol Level High
Oak Yes
Maturity 5 years
Ageing Potential 8 years
Fruity Yes

Description and tasting notes

Blanc de Pomme from Cave Des Ours is a dry Apple Wine with 14.5 % alcohol content made from five types of apple harvested specifically for that purpose. This Wine is best served after being aged in the proper conditions. The pleasure of drinking it young will be enhanced if it is kept to breath in a carafe for some time after opening the bottle. Our wine goes perfectly with spicy dishes, fish, blue cheese, desserts, and dried fruits. Our style of winemaking is centered around minimal interference.