5 things to completely avoid on a wine date!
It’s always nice to spend time getting to know one another over a nice meal and a good bottle of wine. While you’re trying to make the best impression on a first date, you might just be treading on thin ice.
Here are 5 things that could take you under:

1. Drinking too much.
You’re a little excited about your date night, and decide on having a drink while getting ready to leave home. You then start drinking during your date, and before you know it, you’re talking about your previous relationships. If anything, there should be an alarm going off here. Don’t worry, provided that you are still somewhat alert, there still is hope for recovery.
2. Offering her a glass, and taking care of the bottle.
This is probably unforgivable unless she explicitly insists on having no more wine. In this case, you can pace your drinking.
3. Playing it cool and ordering a bottle just because it’s expensive.
Now this will just hurt if you don’t know what you’re doing. Most restaurants with a wine list have someone to help you out with your selection. If you know a thing or two about wine, ask for wines with varieties you like, or for those with your preference of being more fruity or dry. If you could really use the help, just ask for a recommendation that pairs well with your food. Asking does make you appear somewhat vulnerable, which can actually impress your date. No one likes a show-off, especially when it goes bad.
4. Making a scene after a spill.
It is never OK to point this out, or make faces. In the case that this happens to your date, you can ask if there’s anything you can do. If she says no, don’t ignore it, but be thoughtful enough to ask what would make her feel more comfortable. If a woman insists on leaving, then it’s time to go.
5. Channeling Socrates.
Now this is where it gets interesting. At this point, your conversation might as well be one from ancient Greece or go to the extreme of an existential crisis. While trying to explain your thoughts on life, you might be drifting off and attempting to solve third world problems, start getting emotional over those who are unfortunate, or even share your momentary thoughts on how this world is doomed. All that said, no one is really prepared to listen, and you have really gone under. Run.

It really doesn’t take much to enjoy a wine date. Make the effort to be in a comfortable setting, pay attention to what you really need to, and the rest comes down to how well you bring out the best you.
December 14, 2016